Sunday afternoon 20 october 2013 you can sing the Hanuman Chalisa for 5 hours with together with Hansuman in Utrecht.
You are all invited to join in!
You can find more information on this event in Dutch at the page Hanuman Chalisa Marathon at
Puur Beweging
Bemuurde Weerd OZ 13, 3514 AN Utrecht
door open 11.40
afterparty with food & drinks (bring to share!) until 18.00
suggested donation: € 15,-, low-income/students € 10,-
Send a email to me to keep informed about the latest news on this event
Later more marathons will follow in Nijmegen, Den Bosch and other cities (invite me!)
SitaRam SitaRam
Posts tonen met het label diversen. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label diversen. Alle posts tonen
maandag 26 augustus 2013
zaterdag 3 augustus 2013
Searching new location in Utrecht for Kirtan
In Utrecht I'm searching vor a new location for the Kirtan singing, as the yogacentrum Utrecht (YCU) ceased to be.
There are some options already, but suggestionas are always welcome.
Obviously, making music and singing must be allowed there :-)
Kirtans in Utrecht are on sunday-evenings.
In Utrecht we will start again in Spetember.
In Groesbeek and Nijmegen in August.
SitaRam SitaRam
There are some options already, but suggestionas are always welcome.
Obviously, making music and singing must be allowed there :-)
Kirtans in Utrecht are on sunday-evenings.
In Utrecht we will start again in Spetember.
In Groesbeek and Nijmegen in August.
SitaRam SitaRam
zaterdag 19 januari 2013
Kirtan-Mantra-Carnaval 9 februari, Den Bosch
Kirtan-Mantra-Carnaval zaterdag 9 februari 2013, 13-15.00, Den Bosch (leuk als je verkleed komt). Locatie volgt later.
Alle leeftijden zijn welkom, dus neem gerust je kinderen, ouders, ooms en tantes, neeffjes en nichtjes, of opa’s en oma’s mee. Meld je aan via een mailtje of het contactformulier op de contactpagina
De lokatie van deze feestelijke happening is aan de van IJsselsteinstraat 11, Den Bosch, 1e verdieping (Yoga bij Maya).
lees meer op

SitaRam SitaRam
Alle leeftijden zijn welkom, dus neem gerust je kinderen, ouders, ooms en tantes, neeffjes en nichtjes, of opa’s en oma’s mee. Meld je aan via een mailtje of het contactformulier op de contactpagina
Ook in 2013 is er met Carnaval weer een “Dansen met de Goden” in
Den Bosch. Kirtan en Mantra’s zingen Kirtan-style: call-response vorm
(vraag-en-antwoord) met de uitdrukkelijke mogelijkheid tot meeklappen,
bewegen, dansen en wat er nog meer opkomt. Uitbunbigheid wisselt af met
Rust. Beweging wisselt af met verstilling. Na afloop weer de inmiddels
beroemde vegetarische erwtensoep, pannenkoeken, en chai.
Kirtan-Mantra-Carnaval als opening van de carnaval, als (voortijdige)
opening van een nieuwe lente, als opening voor de energie in alle
chakra s, maar vooral om het leven te vieren en te genieten. Er zal ook
een stuk stembevrijdend kirtanzingen inzitten, om een beetje los en (zonder alcohol) in de stemming te komen.De lokatie van deze feestelijke happening is aan de van IJsselsteinstraat 11, Den Bosch, 1e verdieping (Yoga bij Maya).
lees meer op

SitaRam SitaRam
woensdag 16 januari 2013
Nieuwe nieuwberichten vaker op
sinds de site van hansuman is overgegaan van html naar wordpress, is het veel makkelijker om daar nieuwberichten te posten.
Kijk daarom ook eens op voor nieuws, data en aankondigingen
SitaRam SitaRam
Kijk daarom ook eens op voor nieuws, data en aankondigingen
SitaRam SitaRam
dinsdag 8 mei 2012
Nieuwe Flyers
De nieuwe flyers zijn klaar!
Neem ze mee bij een "Zingende Ziel" of "Dansen met de Goden"- bijeenkomst.
Er zijn er genoeg, dus als je een plek weet om ze weg te leggen: vraag een stapeltje.
Als je me mailt kan ik je ook een stapeltje toesturen om weg te leggen of om uit te delen (het zijn zowiezo mooie plaatjes :-)
Neem ze mee bij een "Zingende Ziel" of "Dansen met de Goden"- bijeenkomst.
Er zijn er genoeg, dus als je een plek weet om ze weg te leggen: vraag een stapeltje.
Als je me mailt kan ik je ook een stapeltje toesturen om weg te leggen of om uit te delen (het zijn zowiezo mooie plaatjes :-)
SitaRam SitaRam
Hans(uman) maandag 9 april 2012
Video's and Documentaries of Day of the Dead - Dia de los Muertos
Feasts - Mexico 2 of 3 - BBC Culture Documentary , recorded 17.09.2011
The family food writer and presenter Stefan Gates is living with, teach him to celebrate and laugh at
death. They turn his views on their head, allowing him to embrace and
conquer his fear of death through an extraordinary sensual onslaught of
food, flowers, songs and smells. The sight of the graveyards overflowing
with flowers and mescal-drinking revellers is a truly life-changing
Good home-video Day of the Dead in Mexico or Dia de los Muertos, November 1 and 2, as celebrated at Xcaret in the Riviera Maya
In Spanish / en Español
SitaRam SitaRam
zondag 8 april 2012
Day of the Dead - Dia de los Muertos - Mexico
In het Engels, Nederlandse stukje hier.
Dit stuk staat in verband met "Dansen en Zingen met de doden" op 4 mei in Den Bosch.
Dia de Los muertos het Mexicaanse feest wat gevierd wordt op onze Allerzielen en Allerheiligen.
Day of the Dead is a time of reflection about the meaning of life and the mission that one needs to fulfill. Death in many situations imparts a feeling of pain and loss, particularly for those who do not know the purpose of their path on this earthly plane. For others, death is transcendence, transformation and resurrection. During the celebration of Day of the Dead all those feelings and beliefs come together in a season that brings to life the memory of the loved ones. In the typical Halloween festivities, death is something to be feared. But in el día de los muertos, death — or at least the memories of those who have died — is something to be celebrated.
Dit stuk staat in verband met "Dansen en Zingen met de doden" op 4 mei in Den Bosch.
Dia de Los muertos het Mexicaanse feest wat gevierd wordt op onze Allerzielen en Allerheiligen.
zaterdag 7 april 2012
New Orleans traditional Jazz funeral
You have to be buried properly for the soul to be at peace, to say nothing of the importance of good burial for the survivors. Dancing at funerals was not only a given in Africa, it was an old (and sometimes prohibited) tradition in Spain, a country with African heritage.
A symbol of life, a symbol of death and a symbol of re-birth, the New
Orleans jazz funeral salutes a life well lived and the passage of a
departed soul into a better world.
The music at the start of the jazz funerals starts off slow and
mournful, out of sorrow and respect for the loss of the departed. As the
deceased is laid to rest, he has gone to his reward and the music
reflects the joy both of the departed's ascension into paradise, along
with a celebration of life.
This funeral harkens back to old African traditions – a belief that life
wasn’t over at ‘death.’ The Dahomean and Yoruba of West Africa thought
that death, in this world, meant that a spirit could now run free into a
new one. Those still living would mourn, yes – but then they could
revel in the knowledge that their old friend would be dancing his heart
out, on the other side.
Louis Armstrong describes a New Orleans Jazz Funeral in the documentary film Satchmo the Great.
"And, speaking of real beautiful music, if you ever witnessed a funeral in New Orleans and they have one of those brass bands playing this funeral, you really have a bunch of musicians playing from the heart, because as they go to the cemetery they play in a funeral march, they play "Flee As a Bird," "Nearer My God Today," and they express themselves in those instruments singing those notes the same as a singer would, you know. "
The reason for rocking the casket, is so he can dance one last time.
Some nice B/W photos from Jazz Funerals dating 1968-1970 you can find here
donderdag 1 maart 2012
Nieuwe website: Dansen met de Goden
Nav het succes van de 1e bijeenkomst met dansen, een nieuwe website "Dansen met de Goden"
Hij is bijna klaar, en geeft informatie over de Kirtan-bijeenkomsten waarbij ook nadrukkelijk de mogelijkheid tot dansen is.
Omdat er nog geen volgende "Dansen met de Goden" gepland is staat er nu ook informatie over de "gewone" kirtan-avonden "de Zingende Ziel" op.
Later volgt meer informatie hierover.
Hij is bijna klaar, en geeft informatie over de Kirtan-bijeenkomsten waarbij ook nadrukkelijk de mogelijkheid tot dansen is.
Omdat er nog geen volgende "Dansen met de Goden" gepland is staat er nu ook informatie over de "gewone" kirtan-avonden "de Zingende Ziel" op.
Later volgt meer informatie hierover.
zondag 18 december 2011
Electronic tanpura / Electronische Tanpura
Hansuman uses an electronic tanpura.
I use an analog version, by Raagini, and an electronic Itanpura version for the iPhone, and now also on the Ipad Itabla.
Itanpura and Itabla is available at the Itunes store, for iPhone, Ipod-touch and Ipad
Itabla on the Ipad (dont mind the trendy intro music :-)
Itabla Pro on the Ipad is also very usefull for making music, as it can run in the background, while playing on any kind of keyboard or synth on the Ipad (example on video is on 2 Ipads, now you can do this on one)
I use an analog version, by Raagini, and an electronic Itanpura version for the iPhone, and now also on the Ipad Itabla.
Itanpura and Itabla is available at the Itunes store, for iPhone, Ipod-touch and Ipad
Itabla on the Ipad (dont mind the trendy intro music :-)
Here is a video of the Raagini
They both sound nice.
Itanpura has more possibilities, it can play 2 tanpuras and other things, you can tweak it more, but if you use it on an Iphone you should put it in airplane-mode, to avoid ringing of your Iphone while chanting or meditating :-)
Itabla Pro on the Ipad is also very usefull for making music, as it can run in the background, while playing on any kind of keyboard or synth on the Ipad (example on video is on 2 Ipads, now you can do this on one)
donderdag 24 november 2011
Awakening as One / Revelations
At last an explanation on 21-12-2012 that makes sense
also available with subtitles in many languages (even Dutch!)
Mind Power - Quantum Communication, by David Sereda
Einstein said: "Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man...In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
That is what this film is about. Spirituality, religion and science are merging together into a single place!
maandag 28 februari 2011
Rudra Veena
Hansuman has bought a Rudra Veena and is learning to play it.
A Rudra Veena is an older version of the Sitar (and the surbahar) , and is tuned an octave lower. You can see the picture of this beautifull instrument.
Rudra is one of the names of Shiva Shiva. It is said that Shiva built this instrument.
Playing it will take some practice!
More information on the Veena can be found on Wikipedia:
Information from Hindu-Blog
The origin of some of the important musical instruments associated with Hindu culture is traced back to Shiva. Rudra Veena which is named after Shiva is believed to have been created by Lord Shiva. Rudra is one among the numerous names of Lord Shiva.
Legend has it that the inspiration to create Rudra Veena came to Shiva when he once saw Parvati sleeping with her hands on chest.
Hand of Parvati is the long handle of Rudra Veena, her bangles the frets and her bosom the Tumba or gourds.
It is said that Lord Shiva wanted to surprise Parvati with the music of Rudra Veena when she woke up.
It is also believed that Shiva and Parvati used to dance to the music that emanated from the Rudra Veena.
Another legend has it that Lord Shiva played this instrument when he created the Universe.
SitaRam SitaRam
A Rudra Veena is an older version of the Sitar (and the surbahar) , and is tuned an octave lower. You can see the picture of this beautifull instrument.
Rudra is one of the names of Shiva Shiva. It is said that Shiva built this instrument.
Playing it will take some practice!
More information on the Veena can be found on Wikipedia:
Information from Hindu-Blog
The origin of some of the important musical instruments associated with Hindu culture is traced back to Shiva. Rudra Veena which is named after Shiva is believed to have been created by Lord Shiva. Rudra is one among the numerous names of Lord Shiva.
Legend has it that the inspiration to create Rudra Veena came to Shiva when he once saw Parvati sleeping with her hands on chest.
Hand of Parvati is the long handle of Rudra Veena, her bangles the frets and her bosom the Tumba or gourds.
It is said that Lord Shiva wanted to surprise Parvati with the music of Rudra Veena when she woke up.
It is also believed that Shiva and Parvati used to dance to the music that emanated from the Rudra Veena.
Another legend has it that Lord Shiva played this instrument when he created the Universe.
SitaRam SitaRam
woensdag 23 februari 2011
Hansuman "De Zingende Ziel" / Kirtan op Facebook en Twitter
SitaRam SitaRam
SitaRam SitaRam
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